Tuesday 11 December 2012

Everyone is talking about it. Some plan to have their children delivered today! What is special about this? Did  we not have 11/11/11, 10/10/10 and so on. Every one of such dates happen once in a century. So my question is what is special about such dates?
One thing for sure is that such  dates of birth are easier to remember (as if one would forget his/her  date of birth easily - every form that you fill in in  your life asks for your date of birth and so it is not easily possible to forget it!). And every passing year (the date of birth reminds you of that) means you are one year older (or younger, as some people want to put it). But are we wiser compared to the earlier year?
So that brings to my mind the question,  why do people celebrate their birthdays? As far as I can recollect, my birthdays were like any other day - coming from a not so affluent family - there were no new dresses, cake cutting, happy birthday singing and all that.
The first time a cake was cut on my birthday was when my son's classmates happened to stay with us, al beit accidentally, on my birthday and those boys wanted to cut a cake - personally I do not fancy cakes - and so a cake was cut and some boys put some of the cream on my face!
The next birthday that I remember is the one when I turned three scores of  years of existence in this planet. As is customary in Hindu families we had, what we call, an Ayush Homam to propitiate the GODS so that they bestow THEIR blessings. Truly, THEY have blessed me well. I am a very happy and contented man. I cannot ask for more in life than what the Good Lord has bestowed on me. My sisters and brothers showered their blessings and good wishes and some presents too!
The next time a cake was cut for my birthday was when I was visiting my daughter in USA. That day my son-in-law took a day off and drove all of us -my wife, daughter and grand daughter- to an Indian restaurant about 60 miles away from their place and we had Indian fare. Honestly it was very so so! Still the kind gesture of my children to celebrate my birthday in such style touched me and I remember that. When we returned home, my daughter's friends dropped in with cakes and presents. That was a birthday I cannot easily forget!
And then my birthdays of the last four years have been memorable!. The institution where I work has a HR department that does not forget to greet me and the mail is broadcast to all and so everyone knows my birthday and greets me.
On some birthdays they have presented me with some gift card too.
Everyone greeting me on these days has never failed to say how I don't look my age - I don't know if they are referring to my mental age -that is I am not behaving as maturely as a man of my age ought  to!
Still it is a great feeling to be greeted.
And during the last three years - there has been an addition to my family - my daughter-in-law and she makes a point of greeting me and presenting me with some valuable gift. May the Good Lord bless her. And my son -he has always greeted me on my birthday and given me gifts too!
And of course my daughter, son-in-law and my grand children greet me. And it is such an exhilarating experience to hear my grand children say ' thatha, happy birthday" For that chirpy greeting alone, I wish every day was my birthday.
May God bless all who wish others on their birthdays - whether it is 12/12 or not.


  1. You are a "Jnanavruddha" as well as "Vayovruddha". Only that you look younger because of the energy and enthusiasm. May there be many more birthdays to be greeted by grandchildren and others like me!

  2. Sir....You are lucky enough to be born in an era where friends make warm wishes on your birthday. But now, a special ritual came into picture called "Birthday BUMPS". The birthday boy will be beat to bleed and kicked like a football by his friends.
