Tuesday 4 December 2012

Wither my waistline!
Two weeks ago I met my doctor. On seeing me he said 'your prosperity is showing!'. I am not all that prosperous (of course God has been extremely kind and I have what I need - no grumbling on that count) but the paunch is disproportionate to my prosperity. If one were to have a yard stick of say one inch of flab for say one crore, my flab beats  my bank account hollow!
I asked him ' why don't you suggest something to reduce my waistline' I added the caveat ' please do not advise me to walk; I can't do that; Anything else I will follow'. He said 'fine, don't eat three chapathis for lunch that you are presently eating (one should do) and not two slices of bread that you are having for breakfast and dinner, better skip it'.
If this were my food regimen (bless the good Doctor who had only my welfare in his mind), how can I live -  my taste buds salivate at the very look of CMT masala Dosa or Veena Stores Vada - two famous eateries in my area.
Coming to think of it, why should one diet and look like a scarecrow? Are we not very happy to see chubby babies and cuddle some figures? Why then this obsession to become thin - one financial reason is, of course, the need to frequently invest on your trousers and you know good trousers cost the earth these days.
Also there is the beautiful Bangalore weather which invites you to stay in bed and not get up at that UNGODLY hour of 6.00 a.m. to go for a walk and does walking really reduce one's waist line ? I am not sure!
So what then is the cure for wannabe thin chaps?
Any easy implementable suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Have the prosperity grow and stay at some level so that the investment in trousers is not needed. Like I do!
